Sunday, December 13, 2015

Comments on : Functional programming in java script

I highly recommend a wonderful set of interactive exercises here !

It starts with set of exercises for functional programming but later on takes an unexpected turn and goes on to demonstrate features of Microsoft's reactive extensions library for java script. Nevertheless, I jumped into it initially being curious about functional programming techniques common to java script.

Starting with functional programming, there are at least 25 exercises that show how defining a small set of simple abstractions can lead to short and powerful programs. I could work out defining and using the five primary functions (map, reduce, filter, zip and concatAll).

Totally convincing exposition of the power of functional programming - the way that truly complex business logic can be described by surprisingly few lines of code involving just intelligent application of those 5 primary functions ! Basically this was the most 'fun' part of this tutorial.

Later on, not knowing how asynchronous coding and the functional programming techniques are related, the reactive extensions library is introduced. It was striking to learn and find similarities between traversing arrays (using the functional techniques) with processing events (using special objects called 'Observables'). Observables are supposed to be (possibly infinite length) sequences of events. The sequences relate to arrays and thus we can use functional programming primitives to process them. Being observables, though, allows the object and underlying sequence to change over time. Whenever the observable changes, the listeners can run code to process the event.

So the crux of the tutorial is to show how the same kind of programming techniques can help process any kind of data collections or events. It is a unified way of dealing with synchronous data like arrays as well as asynchronous objects.

I am quite used to multi-threaded programming with C++ but not exactly with writing asynchronous java script code that is commonly involved with event handling. So even though I have not really faced the difficulties in handling asynchronous actions in code first hand, I can still appreciate that asynchronicity is bound to present considerable complexity in writing efficient and correct code. The tutorial also comes with examples that show how complex the code can get once certain asynchronous calls are made in parallel and we usually define success and failure callbacks on each request. If it is required that some activity happens once *all* parallel tasks complete then then we have to check and track each request status and perform accordingly.

I still found the narrative promising - that the unified programming model is very helpful in managing that complexity. Functional programming strikes one as hard, sometimes I wondered why one should bother about functional stuff when the equivalent procedural code was so easy and a mechanical activity to write (even if it was 20 times the size). One has to get over a significant learning curve to understand why.

But that is how programming has evolved it seems over the years, in pursuing procedural code for a lower learning curve, we now realize that some things cannot be too simple.

Monday, May 11, 2015

How hard is web development ?

I have trained and worked for most of my career as a back-end engineer and I'm used to struggling with C++, algorithms and distributed computing. Recently, I have taken up some assignments in web development as part of my work. So how does this front-end development with the ubiquitous web technologies feel like and how hard can it be to do it well ?

The web technologies (javascript, HTML, CSS, HTTP and their ilk) are quite inviting to new-comers. There is an attempt to simplify creating your first web page and showing it in a browser. With just a couple of days in learning, you can achieve surprisingly significant work. Very unlike C++/algorithms/multi-threading, they absolutely have no such pretensions.

But it is a costly mistake to go any further (than developing an HTML "Hello World") without a sound understanding of the concepts. There is a vast technology stack that helps the web do what it can do and it should be systematically learnt.

Javascript, the currency of today's web development, is said to be the worlds most widely misunderstood and abused language. It works like a charm in small doses but any piece of code more than 2K lines can become a maintenance nightmare with numerous security vulnerabilities, unless developed correctly.

Web Security is a large topic by itself. A lot of serious vulnerabilities have surfaced due to a rush to introduce new functionality with security only coming in as an afterthought or post damages. Why does HTTP even exist when the technical chops for using HTTPS was already available ?

It's not just depth but also breadth of the technologies that complicate matters. We know that anything that looks particularly impressive and made using CSS wizardry, can break badly on some other browser. There is a whole matrix on browser compatibility for even HTML support.

Anyway, here is what I had to do as a first assignment : find a way to download/upload files from/to a web-server. I struggled to find a comprehensive resource that covered all the relevant issues involved here. I found myself looking at scattered bits of code all over StackOverflow that claimed to do what was required but each one had something missing. And very soon, I was reduced to testing and searching for what just "worked" instead of knowing what should work and why. Backward compatibility was found broken by Ext JS, a client-side javascript framework in terms of whether (and how) it allowed setting HTTP headers for form submits. Server code requirements were completely unspecified. Finally I got the following code working, notice how the code for downloads looks completely different from that for uploads. It uses Ext JS as a client framework so some specific API is used. The server is assumed to have a couple of REST APIs that manage the persistence of the files being transacted on, checks the CSRF token and does certain useful validations on allowable file sizes and file types.

Downloads :

  alias: 'formaction.standardsubmit', 
  doSubmit: function() {
   var formInfo = this.buildForm(); 
methodURL = 'SomeURL' + 'fetchAttachment'; // 'fetchAttachment is a particular REST API in my server.
methodParamsObject = { // this is an object required by the server code in my case
     user: Ext.encode({

// Insert your CSRF token if used to the methodParamsObject here ...

fileDownloadForm = Ext.create(
      standardSubmit: true, 
      url: methodURL, 
      method: 'POST'

fileDownloadForm.submit({params: methodParamsObject});

Uploads :

var file_content;
var new_form;
var file_name;

var fileChangeCallback = function (e) {
 var file = file_content.files[0];
 var reader = new FileReader();
 reader.onloadend = function (e) {
  alert("called CB loadend");
  if ( == FileReader.DONE) {
   var l_data = reader.result;
   l_data =;
  } else {
   alert("Failed to read file");
 alert("called CB");
 file_name.value =;

new_form = document.createElement("form"); = 'file_upload';
new_form.method = 'POST';
new_form.action = 'some URL' + 'addAttachment'; // Again, one REST API in my server implementation.
new_form.enctype = 'multipart/form-data'; // required for correct file handling on server.

var csrf_dummy = {

// Insert CSRF token here if used to the csrf_dummy object In my case, CSRF was being checked by server so passing a token string with a particular key 'CSRFTOKEN' was essential.

var csrf_token = document.createElement('input');
csrf_token.type = 'hidden'; = 'CSRFTOKEN';
csrf_token.value = csrf_dummy.CSRFTOKEN;


var user = document.createElement('input');
user.type = 'hidden'; = 'user';
user.value = "{'userId':'1059','roleId':'1058','roleName':'Administrator','userName':'admin'}";

file_content = document.createElement('input');
file_content.type = 'file'; = 'fileContents';
file_content.addEventListener('change', fileChangeCallback);
